Saturday, 30 July 2011


45 minutes to go and I've not quite met my target.  As I said it was ambitious and then got bigger than I thought :-/

My goals were to:
Paint 10 knights
Paint sorcerer & add flaming skull
Make a War Shrine
Finish thunder wolves & paint up riders
Paint up long fangs squad

I've missed out as I haven't done 2 horses and 4 riders but I did complete 4 terminators, another long fang, a wolf priest and finish 2 rhinos as extras to what I thought I had to do to get ready for toy soldier!

Anyhoo I'm quite pleased with the knights.  Once again I went for individualized looks as they don't get a uniform!  Not sure they tie as well together as the foot troops but once shields and weapons are on maybe that will help.  I wasn't as comfortable as leaving as much black spare this time and it means there are to many colours in there.  When I do the other 10 I can swap some about and match them up more I think.  Or 20 knights in one unit... Mmmmm chargey goodness...

Space wolves are here and the other models are in earlier posts

Shields and weapons are done, just need gluing on but I need new superglue as this one's top is stuck on and isn't coming off for love nor pliers
Once again I've lost some arms for my models.  I keep doing this, I reckon there is an arm stealing gnome running about my house...

I'll get the full 10 knights done by Monday and then Augusts targets are (smaller to give my ass a rest and allow for visiting of folks):

Make up 2 chariots (because I have a cool idea for conversions)
Make up & paint another sorcerer (lore of death)
Paint more warriors to get to 16 models (6 models)
Paint up war shrine

Til next time...

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